Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interruptions and Fresh Starts

Welcome dear reader!

Many changes in the past 2+ months.

Today I am setting up a new blog.

When I cancelled The Sanctuary website due to dissolution of the 501 (c) 3 it had a domino effect.  Immediately my email used to open this blogger account was cancelled with the site.  Argh!!

I thought that the blog and all the writing was lost but I found it and was able to find it by the original blogspot address.   I opened a new google account with a new email address and then at the end of last week I could no longer access the dashboard of my original blog account.  Double argh!!

Yesterday I was able to retrieve 2 years worth of posts and have now copied them into a file.  Rather than transfer them to this new account I have opted to start over.  Upon reflection the fresh start makes sense.

Much in my life at present is in that mode -

My ministry and what that will look like.

The questions which have to be answered regarding health issues.

The constants are the continuing love of my Lord Jesus, my darling husband, my wonderful children, my precious grandchildren, my adored brothers and sisters and our extended family and a circle of friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.

If all of the above were not enough the God and Father of all creation is blessing my life through the pages of His holy book - the Bible.  How I love Him and how I love His Word.

I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for all of us as we travel together. It's my hope you'll join me and leave a comment or two along the way.

Til' next time - here's looking at JESUS!


  1. It is pleasure to follow your blog to see how our mighty God is working in you and throuh you.

  2. Greetings sisters. Thanks for following and encouraging me with your comments. Praying for you today - that you would experience the joy of the LORD.
    Love and hugs
