Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friday's Miracle

Lord,   my heart is bubbling over with joy.  My aches and pains which are my new normal these days can't remove the smile on my face.

Thank you that even with my tendency toward emotional extremes you have placed a belief deep in my heart that each day is a gift from you and because of you I will see and hear miracles happening.

I had FUN at the grocery store!! Really! Each aisle I walked held treasures that only You could engineer.

The warm conversation with the woman planning preparation for a meal she was preparing for a dear friend.  Asparagus..was the conversation starter!  Who knew!  An energy boost as I continued on to check off every item on my "list".

As I headed for the check-out counter I was amazed that I had everything I had planned too.

As I unloaded the cart dividing cold from dry and food from nonfoods, I asked the cashier to please distribute the food in the bags "lightly".  A request that I have to make but truthfully hate to.  As I was reaching for the final item in the cart I noticed a woman behind me had already retreived the large packages of paper products on the bottom rack and had placed them on the counter.  She smiled warmly and one more time my spirit soared.  A question formed in my mind:  do I know her?  She looks so familiar.  I finished writing my check and turned to leave and again: I have to know and then I turned toward her and asked if she was from my home town (where did that come from?), she nodded in the affirmative incredously and when I asked her if she had attended the same high school I had, we both were amazed as she again said yes!  It turns out she was not in my class but one behind me. 

We said we'd connect on Facebook and I sailed out the door looking forward to what you have in mind!!  I don't believe in coincidences.

I am praising You, Jesus,for opening my eyes to the blessings you shower on your children...every day!

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