Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When Your Smile Disappears

Good Morning all,
I have been scratching my head and scratching my head over the last couple of days.

Seems like I've hit a wall and i'm sitting here "idling";  as if I'm expecting this journey to fuel itself.
I can no more step forward on this road to holiness without fuel and tune-ups along the way any more than my beloved civic can take me to Point B from Point A without fuel and/or tune-ups at regular intervals.

I wouldn't dream of trying to drive without gas in my car,  neither can I expect to continue walking with Jesus toward the purpose He has for my life, without daily spiritual fuel.

I need to spend time alone with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Time to meditate upon his Word
Time to listen for His voice
Time to examine myself
Time to Pray and Pray and Pray
Step out and put what I hear God say into practice, that others may find freedom and sanctuary within His everlasting arms of love..

"I have treasured your Word in my heart that I may not sin against You.  Lord may You be praised; teach me your statutes.  With my lips I proclaim all the judgements from Your mouth.  I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decrees as much as in all riches.  I will meditate on your Precepts and think about Your ways.  I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word. " 
Psalm 119:11-16

I acknowledge today that yes, yes, yes - I love God the Father-God the Son-God the Holy Spirit;
the Triune God without whom my life would be stale, boring and meaningless!

I want to love HIM: MORE, MORE, MORE, tomorrow - than I do today!

Do You??

It's my prayer.

With His Love,


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