Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Thursday dear friends!
How’s your year so far?  A lot can happen in 13 days can’t it?

By this time you’ve probably taken down and put away your Christmas decorations.  For the first time in several years our tree and all the special home trimmings have been safely tucked away in the closets since New Years.

For a few years I kept the tree up.  My guy and I loved the glow of the lights so much we couldn’t face removing it; so we left it as decorated until the Lenten season began.
Then the Easter tree appeared…to stay standing until the Fall and then another Christmas.
This year, after giving our small tree to our daughter, we found the perfect replacement: 6ft tall, pre-lit with a myriad of white lights.  New ornaments along with some treasured for many years, filled the branches.
2011 was a year of many challenges .   Thankfully our Lord carried us through the unexpected and gave us His strength as we spent much time in His waiting room as well as those of several doctors.
At times I felt like a caricature of a woman advancing in age with many conversations about aches, pains, tests, etc. 
I want to have more to talk about than that.  (I'm sure others want me to as well!) 
Soooo, this year I’ve committed to talk less and listen more.  To?
My Lord
My husband
My children
My grandchildren
My friends
I’ve also committed to take my camera out once a week to survey Creation and record what I experience.
This was a sweet surprise – a Blue Heron – last week - while exploring Philippe Park. It was a great day spent with a friend looking at the spiritual lessons as we wandered through the space with inquiring eyes.
This sign warning boaters to slow down for the Manatees reminds me that I need to slow "me" down so I can hear the Lord speak to me as well as hear the hearts of my family and friends.

All part of the Stop, Look and Listen plan the Lord and I are working on together.

Have a blessed week my friends. My prayer for you is that you will take time to Stop - Look - then'll be stretched.

Love you, Judy

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