Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I hear the breeze outside my window as it plays its familiar tune on the windchime.

The clock on the shelf is announcing each second as it passes from today never to appear again.

I look up from my laptop and in the corner is a treasured reminder: "Cherish Each Day".

In homes throughout our community the day is beginning; coffee is brewing, the aroma of toast and bacon wafting through the air space and Thanksgiving is nearly here.

Just this moment a plane rises from the nearby airport and traffic is building on the neighborhood streets.

The day is in forward motion and I'm wondering.... when the day is spent and night arrives....
can I say with Paul as He wrote to the church at Philippi - ..."I have learned to be content in ALL things..."???

It's my desire.  He is the potter and I am the clay.  Your hands my Lord; into your hands I give you my heart, again, today.

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